Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Burlesque or WTF

Well...you might ask why? I like Cher and I like Christina and this was a chance to see them sing/dance on the big screen. Sadly I must say it was Cabaret, minus the music and any semblance of a screenplay, meets The Sunset Strip. The screenplay would have been better if you sat at the kitchen table with an aging parent and said "now what should Cher say?" Maybe there will be a new trend in movie making designed to hype a performer's latest tune which is all that can be said about this dud.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Separated at Birth

Are Jesse Eisenberg and Michael Cera the same person? Can anyone tell them apart? Have they been seen in different places on the same date and at the same time? I don't think so. How many earnest geeky blond 20ish boy-men do we need? Have only seen the trailer for The Social Network but it has that frenzied every single thing is of paramount importance feel that belongs to the Twitter/Text Messaging/Tell All crop of self-important peeps who will probably fall into open manhole covers while retrieving a critical message such as "on the way to the dentist."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

A New Leaf

Recently watched A New Leaf with Elaine May and a surprisingly subdued Walter Matthau. This film cries out for a remake with Alec Baldwin as the newly impoverished  dilettante on the make for a wealthy wife to murder. Have not yet decided on the replacement for the irreplaceable Elaine May as the loopy botanist with dough although Joan Cusack comes to mind.